Wednesday, January 6, 2010

How You Can Overcome Panic Attacks

Panic attacks are a fairly prolonged spell of the greatest anxiety and nervousness. People who experience anxiety attacks are known to get extremely nervous; nauseous; breathe heavily with short breath and in some cases symptoms can be dizziness and chest pains. For quite some time now medical psychologists have been investigating how to help sufferers over panic attacks. But panic or anxiety attacks have been attributed to post-traumatic stress; a materialising of one's greatest fears and drug/alcohol withdrawal symptoms. Whatever the case may be there are ways that have been designed to help people overcome panic attacks, read on.

If you are curious and want to know how to overcome panic attacks then the answer lies hidden in a healthy way of living. If you're prone to anxiety attacks you will have to cut out alcohol and cigarettes from your life. This is mainly because alcohol and nicotine increase blood pressure and reduce your natural response to an attack. Another substance you must also refrain from taking is nicotine in coffee. Nicotine makes you feel awake and jumpy, two symptoms that can worsen an already dangerous condition.

Panic attacks are obviously triggered by something otherwise they would be a mysterious occurrence. One crucial step to overcome panic attacks involves facing your fears or traumatic experiences straight in the face and deciding that they will not influence your life negatively anymore. If you have had traumatic experiences and you're reminded of them you will in all likelihood experience an attack. Now if you don't learn to manage your emotions you will always have an attack every time you're confronted with similar circumstances.

Calming down and controlling breathing is a certain remedy for increased blood pressure. This is because panic attacks come with heavy breathing and shortness of breath, two symptoms that will readily worsen if nothing is done about it. Breathe in deeply and slowly to balance out your pulse. One technique is breathing into a brown paper bag or anything of such a nature.

Exercise reduces the levels of adrenalin in the body through natural body processes and help you to overcome panic attacks. Adrenaline is an energy inducing hormone that eventually increases blood pressure and alertness. Now if you know an attack really well you will know that you also experience an increased pulse, the result of adrenalin released into the body during a panic attack. Logically it therefore makes sense that the body's levels of adrenalin must be reduced by exercise otherwise you can have extreme attacks.

Yoga and meditation will surely make you a calm and relaxed individual. Do some yoga to flex the body muscles and improve the circulation of blood. Meditation is about mental tuning whereby thoughts are monitored and positive affirmations are repeated. Both can be very good rehabilitative techniques and great methods to overcome panic attacks.

Know what triggers your attacks because then your are a step close to controlling anxiety. What normally happens is that when you encounter an object of fear your attack will be triggered. But if you know how to avoid your object of fear you will not experience a anxiety attack.

Finally you must, and i mean must, refrain from using anti-depressants and sedatives. Medications like these can be addictive if you're not careful and they also have harmful side effects that won't go down well with your condition. You don't have to be coping with panic attacks, you cam eliminate them.

After suffering from severe anxiety and depression for years, Lee Preston decided that enough was enough. He had missed out on too many life experiences because of anxiety and depression. After much searching and testing Lee finally discovered a way to overcome panic attacks. Since his discovery and full recovery he has become a passionate individual dedicated to helping others breakthrough this life crippling issue.

1 comment:

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